Blood of a broken heart

It’s the scars from my already blackened heart

The lies from my already bloodied soul

It’s who you’ve turned me into

Closed myself off from the pain

I’m what you’ve created

Yet you turn your back on me

On what I’ve become

The blood of a broken heart

Is what you see when you fall asleep

What haunts you throughout your day

My blood on your hands

The blood you can’t wash off

Look me in the eyes

Face me and what you’ve done

I feel nothing

But the pain you’ve caused me

Do you truly know who you are?

What you are

Can you see my soul?

Do you notice my bloodied heart?

The blood you caused

Can you hear my lies?

They’re the lies

You at once

Told me

The lies I once

Let consume me

It’s the blood of a broken heart

The heart

I trusted you with

The heart you broke

It’s the soul

That you’ve crushed

The day

You realize what you’ve lost

Is the day I’ll no longer care

The day

You’ll be just another scar

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Look at me

Do you see the person you once did?

The person you once loved

Look at me

Tell me who

You now see

Is it the same person I see

Staring at me in the mirror

Or can you no longer see

The pain in my eyes

Can you look at me

And believe what your heart tells you

If you knew who I’ve become

Could you face me?

Could you think of me as the little girl you once knew

If you saw

Into my soul

I can no longer face

What I’ve become

I can no longer see

What lies within my heart

The lies have become my world

The monsters in my closet

Have become my demons

Look at me

And tell me if you can see

The demons

The haunt my world


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Fallen Angels

The sky is falling

Raining angels from the heavens

But the angels have lost their wings

Yet so have all the souls that have been damned

Cursed to this place

Where the devil is held captive in the depths of all the innocent

Can you guess the pain that they know

The monsters eating at the hearts of thousands

Are you blind?

Or do you choose not to see?

Do you see the blood of millions

Spilled onto the streets

For their own wild contentment

The world has decided that we have had our run

It’s our time to leave

Our hearts have been caged

Lost to our own personal torment

The monsters that have been captive

Been released

There is no cure to this

No antidote to our own personal poison

Our fallen angels are no saviours

Only a mirror into our own dark souls

A door way to your own version of hell

Our angels have forsaken us

Left us, but not to die

To live through our hell

To search our earth for an antidote

Our venom is our own beating heart

Our own caged beast

Your own personal monster

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I laid my head on my pillow upset with life

Not knowing something bigger was about to happen

Not knowing the pain you were going through

Sitting at the table

Staring at the knife

Considering whether to take your life

You’ve been through a lot

But this isn’t the way

I think of my life without you

And I don’t think that I can do it

We may not be close now

And we may not be ever

But you are still my brother and without you, life wouldn’t be the same

I’ve looked up to you my whole life

And couldn’t bear this world without you

What would make you put the knife down?

What can make you keep the knife down and never pick it up

What will make you stay?

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What would you do if I told you I loved you?

If I slit my wrists would you cry

If I cried would you comfort me

If I felt unsafe would you hold me

What would you do if I told you I loved you

Cause when I slit my wrists you laughed

When I cried you walked away

When I needed you

You weren’t there

So tell me, why act like you can’t live without me

When you’ve never shed a tear over me

Never showed any compassion

What would you do if I left you

When I knew you needed me

Walked away like you’ve done so many other times

If I slit my wrists would you notice the scars

Wipe the blood

If I cried

Would you notice my tears

Would you dry my eyes

Prove to me I’m as important as you say

Cause you haven’t noticed the scars

You haven’t noticed the tears

What’s the point of you?

Love isn’t supposed to hurt this much

So why do I love you?

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Lie to me…

Lie to me

As you would a child no older than four

Tell me

That the world

Is not what it seems

That all I have to worry about

Is a scratch on my knee

From falling from my bike

Lie to me

Tell me…that my broken heart

Is nothing but something that can be kissed away

My innocence had been swept away

Like the waves of an ocean

My heart has been blackened

From the lies

Tell me that my world is not what I think it is

Make me believe that this pain

Like the rain

Will eventually fade

The horrors

Of this

That is our world

Has stolen

What I once was

Lie to me

Not to hurt

But to deceive

From the truth

That cannot be held

Lie to me

Protect me

From what I cannot protect myself

Save me from the lies of those

Meant to break me

Save the last bit

Of who I once was

Save me from what I cannot bear

Lie to me

And save me from myself

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Inner turmoil

When something happens in your life, what position do you take? Are you stoic and positive. Do you decided that the smart thing to do when there is turmoil is to take a few days and sleep on it? Does screaming your pain out help, do you need a hit something until your knuckles bleed? Or can you breathe through the anguish and decide that tomorrow’s a new day and no matter what happened there’s always something worse out there.

These are the kind of things that I wish I could do. I wish I was the kind of mature, confident person that can say, after being burnt, that it can all work out. But I am neither confident or sure enough in myself to be able to say I take that position in everything. I tried. After a recent situation shook me to my core and made me question the roles of everyone in my life, I decided that being closed off and suspicious of the world was going to get me nowhere. All it did was alienate me from life. College life helped me open up and find people who had similar interests and really brought me out of the protective shell I’d safely ensconced myself in. It helped me decide that there was a life outside my bubble and I did want to explore it. Not all people were dark and shady and out to hurt me. That was just my insecurity and crippling anxiety trying to keep me in the throes of depression. Trust didn’t always lead to heart break, relationships don’t always lead to betrayal. Right? I’d made a vow to start believing that, allow myself to heal. Let the scars mend. Make sure I didn’t become one of those cynical young women who looks at everyone as a potential enemy. Because despite what my head kept telling me, there were people in my life, proving to me daily, that that wasn’t the case.

See I’m the type that once I’ve been hurt, I shut that door forever, which is why I asked what your position is when there is instability in your life. The only people I’ve never shut the door on is my family. Which I can’t even say truthfully, because I had washed my hands of a family member after being so hurt I thought I’d never recover. Without trying to talk to him, or sorting through it or giving myself the time I deserved to work through it. This, I’m quite ashamed to admit, lasted for a year I believe. That’s how hurt I was, how disheartened and shaken my world had been. And it made me think that instead of jumping off a bridge when I think the world is ending, I needed to take a step back, bunker down and wait for the storm to pass. That outlook on life helped break my negative, outlook on life and people in general. And my life has been blessed since.

But I find myself in a situation quite like I’d been in in high school, as that awkward, unaware, ignorant teenager, who didn’t know much of anything outside of my own little school bubble. Back when everything seemed like the end of the world. When the first thing I did was react. I jumped when I thought there was no other option. I’m older now, I’ve matured and I hope that I can make better decisions. Which brings me to my current problem. Here I am faced yet again, with another childish, high school like problem, with someone whom I’ve trusted for years. With someone whom I’ve had a long, fulfilled friendship with. But through those years, like all relationships, we’ve had ups and downs. Downs that have been very down. This all comes on the heels of someone from high school, who recently broke up with a boyfriend who needs friends that she ditched when she got said boyfriend.

So my question is, do I let myself take the time to think it over, when even with time I’m still feeling like finishing that chapter, closing and locking that door forever. Is a relationship that always leads to one being left out in the dark, cold, alone and hurt worth it? I’ve taken a back seat to everyone in my life. There has always been someone more important to the people in my life. Something or someone rather, more interesting or more fun. In my own life shouldn’t I be in the driver’s seat, rather than trying to see from the backseat?

Don’t we, no matter our past, present or inevitable future deserve to be treating with respect. Don’t we deserve to surround ourselves with people who treat us right, who make us happy, who bring out the absolute best in us? Is it worth it to fight for something, to cling to something that is all lies and pain and heartache? Do you forgive and forget and leave yourself open to a new world of pain and betrayal, or do you put your foot down and say I deserve better, I’m going to start demanding better?

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Excerpt from my novel Forbidden Passion

Making her way into the kitchen, she opened the fridge to find cold beer, sitting next to water bottles and bags of blood. Ignoring the shiver that worked its way up her spine she grabbed a beer and sat down at the table, trying to forget everything that seemed to be piling up around her to make life miserable. Up until this moment she thought that even though she was a wolf and he hated wolves, that maybe they had a chance to sleep together, help her with her insatiable lust, but he had just flat out refused her. If she was going to be this aroused every full moon she was eventually going to need a man to help her, but if she wasn’t allowed around humans, how was she going to do that?

Sighing, she took a large gulp of beer, hoping that maybe if she had enough she could numb the fear and forget about her current predicament. “That won’t work,” Archer muttered from where he stood in the doorway connecting the kitchen with the living room. The glow from the television lit him, but kept his face partially in shadows. His eyes still appeared to be black.

“What won’t work?” She asked, avoiding looking at him.

“That,” he said, motioning to the bottle of beer in her hand. “You can drink every bottle in the house and you won’t get drunk. Your metabolism is too high now.”

She snorted, “Well I can still try,”

Archer chuckled and stepped into the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out a beer, then sat next to her. Was he trying to be cruel by being nice to her one moment and cruel the next? It was clear that he knew just how badly she wanted him, and he’d already told her that it wasn’t going to happen, so why was he spending any time with her? Some sick amusement?

“That you can,”

She finally looked at him and in the light of the kitchen, in only a pair of sweat pants and a black pull over t-shirt, with his hair in disarray, hanging loosely into his black eyes, she didn’t think she had ever seen him look more attractive. “I know you don’t have all the answers,” she said, voice breathy with her growing arousal. “But why near the full moon do werewolves get so aroused?”

Archer sighed, “I’m honestly not sure, but they all do and it’s only really bad about a week before the full moon. You should get used to it.”

“Oh yeah?” She asked, “I doubt I could ever get used to being this hard up.”

With a snort, Archer lost some of the beer from his mouth. Becca watched it trickle down his chin and the urge to lick it away came over her so strong she almost couldn’t stop it. “You sure have a way with words.”

Becca couldn’t help but smile, “Well that’s what you get with a twentieth century girl, we tell it like it is whether people like it that way or not.”

“I’m coming to see that,” Archer said.

Rebecca leaned back in her seat, taking another swig from her beer, watching Archer who was watching her carefully. “Do you see it in me?” She asked.


“The killer instinct that they all seem to have?”

For what seemed like minutes, Archer just stared at her, without saying anything. She was actually sure he wasn’t going to answer, until, “No,” He murmured, staring intently into her eyes, like she’d never seen before. “I don’t see it in you.”

She leaned forward, “Then who’s to say that I will?”

With a scoff, Archer stood, so quickly that the chair he had been sitting on toppled to the floor. “Rebecca stop doing this!” he practically shouted. “I know how much you want to believe that you couldn’t possibly be evil, I get it, but I’ve told you, it’s unavoidable.”

“How can you be so sure? You couldn’t possibly know all the werewolves out there!” She screamed, standing up off her seat. They stood feet apart, yelling at each other. “I don’t judge you just because you’re a vampire and you’re supposed to be evil!” Rebecca shouted, feeling tears of pure rage prickle in her eyes.

“You don’t know any vampires, but I’ve hunted wolves my entire life, I know what they’re like. They are all monsters. It’s embedded in you now. You are a monster.” Archer countered.

“If I’m such a monster why are you going to such great lengths to save me!? How long have I been a werewolf now? About three days?” She didn’t even know, everything seemed to blend together into one incredibly long day. “The only thing that’s gotten out of control is my libido!” She screamed, closing the distance between them and poking a finger at his chest. “You don’t know me! You can’t sit there on your fucking high horse and say that I’m going to turn into a monster. I have sway over my destiny, I control what path my life takes and I will not be a monster!”

Archer shocked her by grabbing onto her arms, dragging her against his chest. They were now nose to nose. “I’m sorry to tell you this, babe, but I’ve been around a hell of a lot longer then you have and I’ve dedicated my life to exterminating every last retched beast of your species. And all those years, I’ve learned things, like the fact that wolves can’t deny their instincts, it’s impossible, it will happen to you, there’s nothing you can do to stop it!” He yelled at her, giving her a shake with every third word, as if trying to shake the sense into her that she seemed to be missing. “It’s who you are now!”

She shook her head and pushed against him, shoving away from him. “You don’t know who I am and I will not be a monster.”

Rage bubbled inside her like nothing she’s ever felt before and she lashed out, hand aimed for his face. Of course, Archer was faster. He grasped her wrist and dragged her towards him. “Tell me now that you’re not a monster.” Archer whispered into her ear while she struggled to free herself. “Feel that anger, that rage, that blood lust bubbling up inside of you. That’s the wolf, the monster inside you!” His hands closed tighter around her upper arms forcing her to hiss in pain. “That rage comes on when you’re with a human who is pushing just the right buttons, you’ll attack, rip out their throat and it’s the beginning of the end.” With that said, he shoved her away from him, as if he couldn’t stand touching her anymore, then he stormed from the kitchen, disappearing out of the house. The door slammed so hard against the door jam, it shook the entire house.

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An article I wrote a few months back after Adam Gontier and Three Days Grace split up

By now we’ve all heard about former lead singer Adam Gontier’s split from his band of over 20 years, Three Days Grace. We all know what Adams letter to the band stated that he was leaving for non-life threatening health issues, which he then went on to assure fans that he was still sober. “The truth is, when I was struggling during that dark time in my life, I hit rock bottom, and I had the kindest of people reach out from all over the world, and reach their hands out to help pick me up. I am so blessed to be walking in the light now. I am reminded of your loyalty, always. The truth is, and I’m very proud to say this…, I am sober. That chapter in my life is over.” He also told the band that he wanted them to move on without him. Well we all know it didn’t take them long to do that. Less than a month after receiving Adam’s resignation, what remained of Three Days Grace announced that Brad Walst’s brother Matt, lead singer for My Darkest Days was going to be taking Adam’s spot for their upcoming tour. Matt had this to say about joining Three Days Grace on their upcoming tour and about Adam. “I am very excited to have the opportunity to share the stage with my brother Brad and the rest of the members of Three Days Grace on their Transit of Venus Tour. As most of you are, I was just as shocked as you to find out about Adam’s departure from 3DG. When asked, I was unsure at first as Adam, Brad, Neil and Barry have all been such huge influences on my life musically and personally. After some thought and a few sleepless nights I accepted. It has always been a childhood dream to share the stage with my brother and I get that opportunity on this upcoming tour. Adam is an amazing Singer, Performer and Role-model and all I can do is try and fill some enormous shoes. I wish him well in his recovery and hope to see him grace the stage again soon.” It’s funny to me to hear Matt Walst talk about Adam so highly, since only weeks later he went publicly on Facebook to say this, “Just remembering watching 3 days grace jam in the basement. Always looking up to those guys. The One concert a sin city when only Me and my friend Jesse wynne were at the front of the stage rocking. Such Shitty news that Adam left the band.. But they have to good of songs to just throw away. And to many fans to leave hanging. Something you have to do things for other people and stop thinking about yourself. 3DG and MDD march on and… Selfish People are easy to find.” Obviously Matt’s not so subtle way of calling Adam selfish. He then went on to say, again keep in mind through Facebook : “Misty not stressed…just trying to make people realize that i wanted to see the band carry on with Adam.. Everyone did. But there is some serous lies going on. And someone ruined alot of ppls Christmas with there familys on purpose!!!!” Ok, aside from Matt Walst absolutely awful grammar, there is a lot wrong in my opinion with what he has said and what he is doing. Clearly someone needs to get their story straight—and their spelling. An article stated, “Ok, so he isn’t sick. We knew that.” After reporting Matt Walst immature and ridiculous Facebook comments. But who are we, any of us, to say what is or isn’t going on in Adam’s life. There is more than one kind of health issue out there. Has anyone ever heard of mental health? Adam has been taking so much flack from loyal fans of Three Days Grace because he claimed health reasons for leaving the band. Now though, it has been said that Adam is coming out with a new, solo record, set to be released later in 2013. An article posted on by Chad Childers said this, “In an interview with The Pulse of Radio (via Blabbermouth), Gontier states, “For me, I think the thing that broke the camel’s back was, I had enough of the money coming before the music. It’s not perfect timing, but it had to be done, you know. For the sake of my own mental health and well-being, I had to do it.” There it is for all you fickle fans, for the sake of his own mental health. We might be die hard Adam Gontier fans, or die hard Three Days Grace fans, but none of us can claim to know what is going on, on either side. If you are true Three Days Grace fans, then you know the struggle with depression and substance abuse Adam has battled through his life. You would then also know that the lyrics for the album One-X was almost completely written by Adam while he was in rehab. If any of you truly connected with Adam’s music you know that he has always had deep meanings to his songs. Songs that we fans could actually connect with. Words that seemed to be directed just to you, as if he was singing for you. I don’t know about you fans, but I know that it felt like Adam knew exactly what was going on in my life, and as if I wasn’t alone in my struggles. Adam said this about Three Days Grace’s most recent album, Transit Of Venus, ““The music really wasn’t coming from the heart. I can say that on the record ‘Transit of Venus,’ there’s maybe one or two songs that actually do come from my heart, but a lot of songs have been written just for radio and for fans, you know, to relate to. Quite a bit of it just adds up to the fakeness of the whole industry and how you’re writing hits for other people and not for yourself — and that’s really what the band was, has been all about.” And I have to be honest, when I first heard the album, I could tell the difference. It wasn’t like their self titled debut album, One-X or  Life Starts Now. It just didn’t connect with me the way the others did and it wasn’t intimate and soulful like Adam’s other songs. So honestly, when you look at the facts, and read what Adam has to say, the split doesn’t come as that much of a surprise. I have been a fan of Three Days Grace from the moment I heard the single I Hate Everything About You. They have been with me through all the ups and downs. I was just as distraught and taken aback when I heard of Adam’s departure from Three Days Grace. But I am sick, so done with all the negativity, all the Adam bashing. I have heard so many fans since January saying how Adam let them down and how he’s a liar and how he’s not really sick. And again, I have to ask, do you know Adam? Do you speak to him on the phone? Is he actually a part of your life more than the music that he makes for you? No. Yeah, the day after Three Days Grace received the resignation letter he was on stage playing a show. I’m not going to make speculations, because I don’t know what’s going on, Adam hasn’t told us. But I know what it’s like to suffer from a mental illness. I know how it feels to be crushed beneath someone, to have all your will for life taken from you. To feel like you just don’t want to go on. Any fight you had within you completely ripped and stolen from you. How many of you out there can say they have felt like this? Probably more then you’d like to admit, right? Well that can be more debilitating then a cold, or an infection or something that you need surgery for. But mental illness is also something that is swept under the rug, pretended like it’s not there. For some reason the 1 in 5 Canadians suffering from Mental Illness is taboo to talk about in our society, when it should be at the front line. Because that mental illness leads to things like substance abuse, and suicide! Again I can’t make speculations because I don’t know why Adam left, but if he is suffering from depression he does have a non-life threatening medical issue. And it’s none of your business or mine why he left, or what the circumstances surrounding it were. But if Adam was suffering from depression within Three Days Grace, why should he have to subject himself to the anguish and torture and stay within a relationship that was dangerous to his health. Not only would he have suffered, but the band would have suffered and then the music would have suffered, which according to him, already did. We know that he wasn’t happy within Three Days Grace. So either way Three Days Grace couldn’t have continued. That is obvious if you have been paying attention. How about instead of bashing Adam, or blaming him, or dumping on Three Days Grace, you mourn the loss of a band that you supported for ten years, and a band that supported you for just as long, and you wish the best to a man who is going through something hard, a man who’s lyrics picked you up when you were down. A man who you respected for years, a man who inspired hundreds of fans all over the world. A man who is going to continue making music, the music that you all fell in love with years ago, just on his terms after all these years. How dare you judge him for trying to save himself.

All I have to say is rock on Adam, I’ll keep on following you. As for Three Days Grace, to me they just aren’t Three Days Grace without Adam. If they want to continue on with someone new, they can do just that, I don’t judge them. But they are no longer 3DG to me and I believe they should change their name and not even try to make the same music they made with Adam. This divide the Three Days Grace fans have taken, the side of Adam over Three Days Grace or Three Days Grace over Adam in my eyes is ridiculous. Neither side has asked you to chose. Although I will admit one side has had some rather harsh things to say about the other, while the other side has remained respectfully quiet on the subject. But why do you have to chose? If you want to so be it, I know, honestly I have. I think I did the moment I heard about the split—albeit a week later after the initial shock wore off. You respected Adam, Brad, Neil and Barry together, why bash them now that they are different. One decided he needed a change in life. Since when is that a crime? They are still the men you have always looked up to. The men who you sang with, the men you rocked out with.  Together they made the music you fell in love with. Don’t hate Adam because he needed to go a different direction in his life and with his music. Respect him for his time in Three Days Grace and what he meant to you while he was there. Don’t hate Three Days Grace for moving on. They made the music that went along with Adam’s words. You waited in line to see them the same way you waited in line to see Adam.  I’ll be honest though, if I had any respect for My Darkest Days singer Matt Walst, it’s gone after his childish display over Facebook. Why not grow a set? I did rock out to Porn Star Dancing when it first came out on the radio, but the more I heard it, the shallower it sounded to me, same with the single that was released after it, so forgetful to me in fact the name of the song escapes me. Out of this whole ordeal, as painful and confusing and pain stacking as it was, the only man who lost my respect was Matt Walst for being a d-bag—if he even had it in the first place.

In the end it comes down to a choice, make one Three Days Grace fans—and I say it like that because at one time we were all the same. Lovers of great music and respecting four men who did what they loved. But stop bashing, stop hating and stop judging. Because we don’t know how any one of them felt, we have no idea what Adam went through and we have no way of knowing exactly how long he struggled with his decision to leave. We don’t know what it was like for him before he decided to leave. He didn’t abandon you, he didn’t walk out on you. He’s still here, still making music, just different, on his own terms, the way it was when Three Days Grace first started out.

And remember, it’s never too late and life starts now.

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Your Beautiful Addiction

The days they pass like months
Your flesh torn and burnt away
Razors ever engraved upon your arm
Pills quenching that ever insatiable need
Fall forward into oblivion
And look upon your failed life
The one you sought to make better by surrounding yourself in chaos
Do you see what’s become of you?
Your addiction
Your disease
Drown yourself in your happiness
Bury yourself in your love
Cut up and fucked up
Injecting your veins with your liquid poison
And watch them turn their backs
Leave you in the darkness that will soon be your wasted life
Fall to your knees and beg for insanity
We’ll laugh in your face as you burn your soul
Can you even feel anymore?
The beat of your heart?
The pain you self medicate
Lull yourself to your fake world
Constantly condemning the ones around you
With your addiction
Your so called disease
Pull yourself down the road of hell
But do not ask us to join you in the walk down the path of shame
How can you be sure you will come out the other end?
Untainted…or even alive
Look upon your happiness
Is there anyone left to blame?
Bleed away your pain
Scream out your torment
Drown yourself in desperation
And bury yourself among the wreckage
Damned and forsaken
Let it consume you
Killing those around you
So terribly submerged in your own problems
Drag yourself into the hell fires
Do not drag us down with you
So burn out your soul
We can wait…
Until you can find the strength to be the person we once knew
Or continue on with your pathetic existence
And force us to bury you among the others
Continue on your addiction
Keeping feeding your disease
We’ll mourn as you lay lifeless on your hospital bed
Your damaged body
Your ruined soul
See where your addiction lead?
Your ‘beautiful’ disease

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